RDF/A Embedding RDF in HTML
A draft has been published of RDF/A.
This is a really simple way to embed RDF into html. Example:
2006-03-14: The HTML Working Group and the Semantic Web Best Practices and Deployment Working Group jointly have published the First Public Working Draft of the RDF/A Primer 1.0. Produced by the groups' RDF in XHTML Task Force, the draft is a companion to the XHTML 2.0 specification. This document introduces syntax for expressing RDF metadata within XHTML and explains the use of the XHTML metainformation modules. Read about the HTML Activity and the Semantic Web.
This is a really simple way to embed RDF into html. Example:
<html> <head> <title>Jo Lambda's Home Page</title> </head> <body> <p> Hello. This is <span property="foaf:name">Jo Lambda</span>'s home page. <h2>Work</h2> If you want to contact me at work, you can either <a rel="foaf:mbox" href="mailto:jo.lambda@example.org">email me</a>, or call <span property="foaf:phone">+1 777 888 9999</span>. </p> </body> </html>from W3C:
2006-03-14: The HTML Working Group and the Semantic Web Best Practices and Deployment Working Group jointly have published the First Public Working Draft of the RDF/A Primer 1.0. Produced by the groups' RDF in XHTML Task Force, the draft is a companion to the XHTML 2.0 specification. This document introduces syntax for expressing RDF metadata within XHTML and explains the use of the XHTML metainformation modules. Read about the HTML Activity and the Semantic Web.
leobard - 15. Mar, 16:30
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