homepage relaunch has a new homepage. And a new corporate identity. I like it, makes me proud to lead this as CEO.

background info: is a European startup developing a product for personal information management.
Information is stored in many different applications, but you can´t look everywhere. You know there is something you are looking for but don´t know exactly where. Gnowsis makes your data accessible in an easy and effective way!
Save hours of wasted time whenever you´re trying to re-find a thought because you don´t know what the information is related to or where it is filed. Be sure things don´t get lost and have all relevant information immediately at hand.
Gnowsis talks to your applications and relates documents with your information. Just like human thoughts, a network of projects, people, topics, events, and others is created. This is presented in a standardized format (semantic web) to lower integration costs with enterprise information management systems and SaaS solutions. Users can create semantic wiki pages to take notes. Via plug-ins, the semantic automated gnowsis recommendation system is available in everyday office applications, to go beyond what is offered today. The product is based on results of the Integrated European Project NEPOMUK, the EPOS Project, and the gnowsis project initiated at the DFKI.
psst: product is currently in private alpha, to stay informed I can recommend you sign up for the newsletter.

background info: is a European startup developing a product for personal information management.
Information is stored in many different applications, but you can´t look everywhere. You know there is something you are looking for but don´t know exactly where. Gnowsis makes your data accessible in an easy and effective way!
Save hours of wasted time whenever you´re trying to re-find a thought because you don´t know what the information is related to or where it is filed. Be sure things don´t get lost and have all relevant information immediately at hand.
Gnowsis talks to your applications and relates documents with your information. Just like human thoughts, a network of projects, people, topics, events, and others is created. This is presented in a standardized format (semantic web) to lower integration costs with enterprise information management systems and SaaS solutions. Users can create semantic wiki pages to take notes. Via plug-ins, the semantic automated gnowsis recommendation system is available in everyday office applications, to go beyond what is offered today. The product is based on results of the Integrated European Project NEPOMUK, the EPOS Project, and the gnowsis project initiated at the DFKI.
psst: product is currently in private alpha, to stay informed I can recommend you sign up for the newsletter.
leobard - 26. Nov, 20:19
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