iTunes gone wrong
I put a newly bought audio-cd "Dendemann-Die Pfütze des Eisbergs" into my iBook drive, to listen and rip it with iTunes. That is the main application of iTunes - right?
What happens:
R U serious I have to ask - or are you intentionally f***** it up so that I have to buy the music at the iTunes music store? (which is ok, but then I suddenly think about Audiograbber and Winamp...)
What happens:
- iTunes blocks and then hangs and fucks up. Great!
- ok, pressing F12 (the key to eject cd on iBooks) does nothing. So it fucked up the OS
- closing iTunes via alt+apple-esc (=ctrlaltdelete). cd still eaten
- ok, this machine is stuck, I'll reboot and blog on then...
- oh! rebooting doesn't work because the f*** cd driver seems to be hacked directly to the kernel or however they did it, I had to hard-reset the machine (basically, pulling the power chord)
- close iTunes
- put in the CD
- wait till this event of putting the CD in the slot starts iTunes, then
- iTunes asks me if I want to rip this CD, which I want
- and then it works
R U serious I have to ask - or are you intentionally f***** it up so that I have to buy the music at the iTunes music store? (which is ok, but then I suddenly think about Audiograbber and Winamp...)
leobard - 23. Oct, 20:01
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