and another ... and another one ... definition of web 3.0 (and desktop?)
Marc Benioff wrote a short article about his view on Web 3.0 on TechCrunchIT. Besides tackling the move from desktop to the web (see below) his definition of web 3.0 starts like this:
Web 3.0 changes all of this by completely disrupting the technology and economics of the traditional software industry. The new rallying cry of Web 3.0 is that anyone can innovate, anywhere. Code is written, collaborated on, debugged, tested, deployed, and run in the cloud. When innovation is untethered from the time and capital constraints of infrastructure, it can truly flourish.
This adds to the marketplace plethora of web 3.0 definitions. Its tricky to define web 3.0, as anyone can make it up and anyone has the same authority to do so. (I co-authored one of these "the web 3.0" articles myself) Anyway, I stick to using semantic web 2.0.
Marc Benioff continued with an short and spicy overview on desktop-VS-web-VS-clientserver, pointing to various blog posts about the topic. Interesting to read. I hope desktop and web get closer in their programming models, but think that both will continue to exist for some years to come.
Thanks to James Gee for the link.
Web 3.0 changes all of this by completely disrupting the technology and economics of the traditional software industry. The new rallying cry of Web 3.0 is that anyone can innovate, anywhere. Code is written, collaborated on, debugged, tested, deployed, and run in the cloud. When innovation is untethered from the time and capital constraints of infrastructure, it can truly flourish.
This adds to the marketplace plethora of web 3.0 definitions. Its tricky to define web 3.0, as anyone can make it up and anyone has the same authority to do so. (I co-authored one of these "the web 3.0" articles myself) Anyway, I stick to using semantic web 2.0.
Marc Benioff continued with an short and spicy overview on desktop-VS-web-VS-clientserver, pointing to various blog posts about the topic. Interesting to read. I hope desktop and web get closer in their programming models, but think that both will continue to exist for some years to come.
Thanks to James Gee for the link.
leobard - 4. Aug, 13:33
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