phd step6: preparing the presentation, last minute panic
Today I will defend my Phd, which is another point in the long story I blogged about doing a phd.
Things to do 2h before going to the defence:
see you on the other side....
Things to do 2h before going to the defence:
- test your talk again. do it before good friends who you trust and who will give you positive feedback. In my case: Thomas Roth Berghofer and Olaf Grebner
- but 3 crates of beer and 12 bottels of sparkling wine into the office refridgerator
- use a lot of axe deo-spray to fight cold-sweat-of-panic
- print your presentation slides in case armageddon happens and no beamer is available and you have to give your talk without beamer (thx to Olaf for the tip)
- blog
see you on the other side....
leobard - 5. Jun, 13:16
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