
Thursday, 14. September 2006

back from burning man... text follows

I am back from burning man. No way to describe it. I will try to compile some words about the experience and the community there and how I experienced it, will take a few days. In the meantime, I already uploaded some videos:

update: there are also pictures (added this link in 2010....)
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leobard - 22. Jul, 23:31

a late text

now, in 2008, I wrote some text to explain why I love Burning Man and Nowhere so much:

a bit late, but I owed it.

alex0012 - 24. Mar, 18:17


Search engine optimization is really a intricate marketplace besides because of its relative newness, but additionally because it is just a continuously increasing list of approaches typically based on ever-changing search engine algorithms. Because of this there's a substantial number of marketplace vocabulary associated with SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION that makes it challenging for many but the the majority of up-to-date specialists to recognize along with efficiently use these kinds of approaches. These is really a outline of the most extremely common words employed in search engine optimization, but users need to observe the which means along with convenience associated with such words can change in the remarkably limited timeframe.

Friday, 25. August 2006

off to burning man

I am off to burning man 2006!

The Man burns in 9 days

Ingrid & Lars & Holger & I are going to be there. see you all on the other side. I am back online on 13th September.
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wolfschuh - 25. Aug, 14:18

Lots of fun there - and take care to not being mistaken as a LEO (aka law enforcement officer).

magnus (guest) - 31. Aug, 21:31


i came here expecting LIVE coverage from the burning man! Leo!
;) wish i was there - enjoy!

p.s. the word-check-word i have to type in below is kinda cool: "lounged"! can you believe that?

Chrisfried (guest) - 6. Sep, 13:52

Hi, wünsche Euch eine gute Zeit!


Wednesday, 16. August 2006

Photos from Strasbourg online

We took some photos in Strasbourg when we were there weeks ago. They are on flickr, my favorite is this here:

Strasbourg Cathedral

here i made it to ARTE! the great, entertaining, cultural TV station showing quality tv documentations and movies. etc...
leobard at ARTE! you're at home baby

Ingrid at L'Epicerie

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Tuesday, 14. March 2006

Lehner's Wirtshaus in Hannover

Sonntag hatte ich noch eine Projektbesprechung in Hannover-Stadt. Zusammen mit unseren Projektpartnern sind wir, nach einer kurzen Odyssee durch verschiedene Lokale, endlich im richtigen gelandet: Lehner's Wirtshaus in Hannover. Sieht übrigens im IE besser aus als im Firefox.

Das war ein Glücksgriff für unser Meeting, darum gleich ordentlich bloggen.

Lehner's Wirtshaus in Hannover Lehner's Wirtshaus in Hannover

Lehners ist ein Restaurant/Wirtshaus, hat Bayrische Küche und gutes Bier. Das herausragende ist die Musik, ruhiger chillout. Etwas des Ambientes bekommt man vielleicht auf diesem Video mit.

Wir hatten unser Meeting, es ging um, danach bin ich noch geblieben und habe mit Markus Lembeck geredet, dem Chef vom Lehners. Es ist eine Franchise-Kette, es gibt mehrere in Deutschland, siehe homepage und die andere homepage bei

Es ist in der Nähe von Kröpcke / Marktkirche, Anfahrtsplan gibts auch. Kann ich vom ganzen Herzen empfehlen, die erst vor ein paar Tagen so richtig eröffnet, sind aber meiner Ansicht nach ein Glücksgriff für geschäftliche Essen. Es waren auch einige CeBit Gäste dort.

Täglich geöffnet ab 11 Uhr
Happy Hour: Täglich ab 22.30 Uhr: Alle Cocktails und Longdrinks für € 4,50!

Lehner's Wirtshaus Hannover
Knochenhauerstr. 36
30159 Hannover
Telefon: 0511-32 16 16
Fax: 0511-32 06 68
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Marcus (guest) - 20. Mar, 14:41


Vielen Dank für Deinen netten Besuch und Kommentar.
Marcus (Lehners-Team)

george22 - 19. Nov, 07:46

Hi. I've been taking the Mirafit religiously since I received it but I don't know whether it's doing anything or not. The only thing I feel is gassy and constipated. Do I need to take it longer to get results? Of course, I just got off some medications that could have been causing the other things too. I will continue toladies trench coat / / italian leather jackets / / lambskin leather jackets / / ladies leather coats / / double breasted trench coat / / hooded trench coat / / cool leather jackets / / leather trench coats for men / /

Sunday, 4. September 2005

Argentine: Photos and trip description

as previously blogged, Ingrid and me were in Argentina to get my cousin Robert married. (note: a wikipedia link is better than a tag, don't trust folksonomies)

ok, the quick link to all photos:

We started on August 13th and came back Monday, August 29th in the afternoon, spending roughly two weeks (dos semanes) in Argentina. Our flight was with iberia and we can approva their service: everything worked, thanks. Only our damned VISA card from hell - the Postbank - failed us and we decided now to close our accounts at this bank: the credit card limit is ~800€ (cough cough, in Austria the word "limit" or "problem to extend it" was not really known). btw: Austria is known as the country where milk and honey flow, Argentina is the country where sugar flows (in all different forms).

Ok, so we reached Buenos Aires on Sunday, 14th August and we were open to everything. Before our travel, Ingrid and me had quite Angst what will happen in Argentine, we did not really know much of the country and we have never been to South-America before. Although we knew they had internet (through inkel) and we had a lot of travel guides, we didn't have time to read the travel guides beforehand and came to the country with open eyes and open mind. Luckily, we already met Georg, Mechtild, and Robert at Madrid and were not alone on our Journey, the three would accompany us the next days (and Robert until the end).

Robert also organized the trip from the Airport to town and the hotel, which relieved us from much hassle: thank you thank you thank you and bless you. Searching for a hotel in buenos aires would have left us in the situation hotel-envy of: but the others got a much nicer hotel. Other travellers had experienced hotel-envy. The taxi trip to Buenos Aires was very nice, we got an instant impression of culture (advertisments), nature (wow, trees we have never seen before) and people (there are joggers on the highway) of Argentina. Our taxi took the Av. 9 Julio to our hotel, which is the main street of Buenos Aires.

The rest of Sunday we visited some nice places of Buenos Aires, I don't want to list all here and we didn't upload all the photos anyhow.


Our first steak was on sunday noon:

On Monday we met Inkel and Daniel, as desribed before here. Before meeting them, we were in Tigre, a little town where people go on weekends. We took a boat trip there, which was nice the first hour but then got boring.

On Tuesday, we went shopping but didn't find much in the multitude of shops. We also saw the casa rosada and other important sight-seeing spots.

Tuesday evening, our bus to Santiago Del Estero departed, so we got to Retiro bus terminal in the evening and were astonished by the Argentine bus system. Ok, bus riding is very convenient, you can watch funny horror movies, drink mate or coffee and get something to eat. We used the lines "Del Norte" and "Fletcha" and both were good. (del norte was a little better in details).

In Santiago we spent our time from Wednesday until Monday, with the important wedding being at Saturday. The family where we lived were very nice, but we couldn't talk much with them, as we didn't speak spanish neither they spoke english. But it was ok, we had our Langenscheidt poket dicionary and using the global hand and feet language we came along and could learn much about each other. We did so many things in Santiago, I don't want to go into detail there. The main difference between Santiago and Buenos Aires is the size of town and the more rural culture, family centered, friendly, more music. Also, Santiago uses Siesta time, meaning that shops are open from 8-12am and 5 to 9pm. Schools the same, kids go to bed at about 2-3am.
We ate much dulce de lecce (another form of sugar, very sweet and nice, used like butter).

The wedding was great, the procedure similiar to european weddings. Similar to my own wedding: the bride came in a nice car, accompanied by her father, man waiting in the church, music while entering, catholic procedure (thats exactly the same as everywhere else), music, and joy. We were very happy to be there and to experience it, we also experienced some of the preperations and this was the most interesting part to learn about Argentina. The wedding continued with a banquet at a big club, where they had asada grill ready and local and international music. The couple opened the dancing by a waltz, very stylish, and then the party started. Local folk dances, all people dancing, much more vivid than in europe.
Ingrid and me had to go home at 5am due to tireness, the others (including grandparents and babies) stayed till 7am or so. Party people.

Sunday relaxing and having barbecue with friends, a very nice nice nice idea of Enzo, our host (he asked us: either grilling with friends of eating at home, but it was a kind of rhetorical question, thanks enzo, this was great).

Monday, we went with Lucky and Robert to see the northern provinces of Argentina, Salta and Jujuy. I will blog this tomorrow.
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JackWitson - 27. Feb, 14:17

Bus from Singapore to Malacca

I am really amazed to find such fabulous description on trip to Argentine.I am looking forward to visit this place.Thanks for sharing such nice description.

Bus from Singapore to Malacca

Thursday, 4. August 2005

matatour 2005

Originally uploaded by lebard.

finally we have photos of the matatour 2005. as already mentioned in we were sailing the wide sea of croatia and these is a tiny collection of 400 photos from the 4GB we made in total.
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Friday, 15. July 2005

matatour 2005 photos

die auswahl der hundert besten photos aus 4gb = 2000 photos gestaltet sich schwierig.

nächste woche gibts photos der matatour 2005.
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Matthew - 18. Jul, 17:37

Uns ist es nicht besser ergangen.

Geplagt von technischen Probs (CPU Last, Datumsgenerierung, Sortierproblem) haben wir nach 2 Stunden Auswahl bemerkt, dass unsere Auswahl einseitig und nicht allumfassend war. Konklusio: Wir zeigen immer ALLE Fotos her :-) Dinghy-Surfen halt im 0,5-Sekunden-Takt :-)

Tuesday, 12. July 2005

matatour 2005

wir waren segeln in kroatien (kroatien wikipedia)!

Was soll man da schreiben? Nie wieder Strandurlaub, Yacht-Segeln ist das Ideal.

Kurz die wichtigsten Daten:
Unser Schiff war eine Sun Odyssey 54. 54 Fuss lang, etwa 17 meter. Diese Bootstype ist das grösste Standard-Schiff der Jeanneau Werft, und grösser als alle anderen Yachten die man üblicherweise chartern kann. Das boot heisst "Torro del Mar" und wir haben es über ecker yachting geborgt. Interessanterweise kann man unser boot hier kaufen.

Das ganze wurde von Matthias organisiert, wofür wir ihm alle sehr dankbar sind, hat alles perfekt geklappt. Die Taktik, das beste Boot wo gibt zu nehmen, ist voll aufgegangen. Die Yacht war sehr gemütlich aber auch sportlich.

Wir sind am 2.7.2005 in Trogir gestartet und von dort einige Inseln angefahren, um dann am Freitag dem 8.7.2005 wieder in Trogir einzulaufen.

Der typische Tagesablauf war in etwa:
  • aufstehen
  • unter deck oder an deck frühstücken
  • hafen verlassen
  • segel setzen
  • autopilot anschalten
  • sonnen und bier trinken
  • irgendwo hinfahren
  • grillen, schwimmen, essen gehen, sightseeing
  • in einem hafen anlegen oder ankern
  • trinken & schlafen gehen
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Saturday, 3. July 2004


We are moving to Kaiserslautern. All my stuff is packed in a Mercedes Sprinter from
Ingrid, my Fahter and me are sitting in Front and I couldn't resist going online.

You have an example of "bluetooth for the poor" here: I had to duck-tape (hurray to duck tape) my cell phone to the armrest to have the IrDa working.

Music is good, spirits are high, god is with us.
More to come....
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