
Friday, 12. June 2009

java reflection on generics

When you drill down far into Java reflection, you end up at the reflection class for generic types. This is, if you have

class Blah {
  T t;
  public T get() { return t; }
... Blah stringBlah = new Blah();
Then you can get the configured return type "String" by reflecting on the method "get". The return type of that method is String. BUT if you need the generic variable T of Blah, you end up calling Blah.class.getTypeParameters(). And here the fun starts in the doc of TypeVariable:

The type parameter D represents the type of generic declaration that declared the underlying type variable.

wtf? this is as complex as playing braid.
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Sunday, 26. April 2009

Überwachungstaat veranschaulicht

Eintrag 475 aus der Monochrom'schen Datenbank des Vorüberschreitens, zitiert bei Glattauer:

Kinderphilosophische Betrachtungen über die österreichische Sicherheitspolitik
Vor der elektronisch gesteuerten Bildfläche in der U-Bahn-Station Westbahnhof wurde ein kleiner Bub von seinem Opa auf das Leben außerhalb des Kindergartens vorbereitet. Ohrenzeugin Astrid D. überliefert:

"Mehr Polizisten für Wien", liest der Opa stolz vor. "Ist das gut, Opa?", fragt der Bub. Opa: "Ja, das ist gut." Bub: "Warum?" Opa: "Wenn es mehr Polizisten gibt, dann können sie besser auf uns aufpassen." Bub (verängstigt): "Wie aufpassen?" Opa: "Aufpassen, dass uns nichts passiert." Bub: "Wie, dass uns nichts passiert?" Opa: "Dass uns kein Einbrecher eine auf den Schädel haut."

(Pause, das Kind grübelt.) Bub: "Ich mag aber lieber, dass der Papa auf mich aufpasst." Opa: "Der Papa passt auf dich auf, und der Polizist passt auf den Papa auf." Bub: "Ich mag aber nicht, dass der Polizist auf den Papa aufpasst." Opa: "Wer soll dann auf den Papa aufpassen?" Bub: "Die Mama." Opa: "Der Polizist passt auf alle auf, auf die Mama, auf den Papa, auf dich und auf mich." Bub: "Und auf die Oma?" Opa: "Und auf die Oma." Bub: "Ich mag aber nicht, dass der Polizist auf die Oma aufpasst." Opa: "Warum nicht?" Bub: "Der Polizist soll auf den Einbrecher aufpassen."

Quelle: Daniel Glattauer, DER STANDARD Printausgabe, 3.9.2007
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Caouette1 - 5. Sep, 16:04

Brilliant Mind

This is so very cute. I just like it how little kids sometimes sounds absurd to grown ups only to realize that they are really making a point. I should say that these kind of kids have all the right to be provided with an equally brilliant teacher to further enhance their creative thinking skill. My favorite line would be: "But I do not think the police take care of the grandmother...The policeman to look after the burglar". :)


my blog: Calculer un pourcentage 

Tuesday, 7. April 2009

Led art meets sheep

Oh my, I am happy that I live in these times:

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Thursday, 26. March 2009

Design for the Other 90%

“The majority of the world’s designers focus all their efforts on developing products and services exclusively for the richest 10% of the world’s customers. Nothing less than a revolution in design is needed to reach the other 90%.”
—Dr. Paul Polak, International Development Enterprises

Design for the Other 90% is an exhibition currently on view at Centers for Disease Control and Prevention through May 29, 2009, and online.

There must be a use for technology for the Other 90%. And they are a market - for products that help them improve life, or even stay alive. Products such as the Q-Drum:


It can hold up to 50 liters of water and be used to transport that water over long distances. At an affordable price, saving time and money, all in one, clever, design.

I remember a keynote at the I-Know conference in Graz (I think 2005, and I forgot the speaker's name - is there a program online?) which was not about knowledge management, but how computer are be used in rural india. One case was to examine eye patients remotely via a webcam - the patient sits in front of the only computer in the village and looks into the webcam, the examining doctor sits somewhere else and gives a diagnose. This cuts travel costs and saves money (and improves health). So, there is a market in the low-income population, for life-improving products.
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Thursday, 12. March 2009

Duck punching instead of typing

Well, I was just totally sold by Adam, the idea being that if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it’s a duck, right? So if this duck is not giving you the noise that you want, you’ve got to just punch that duck until it returns what you expect.

From http://podcast.rubyonrails.org/programs/1/episodes/railsconf-2007 via http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monkey_patch
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Friday, 20. February 2009

End of idling

DSC00218Image by Dante Inferno via Flickr

After three years of literally doing nothing, I will stop. This goes as far as it covers IdleRPG, a roleplaying game where your only way to achieve something is to do nothing for a long time.

I was attracted to IdleRPG when I found out that it is one of the much frequented IRC channels on Freenode. Typically, there are more than 50 players online, for years.

So what is the game about? You register a character, give it a name, class, and alignment, and then start playing. Which is - idling. My character is "Bush and his pony", of class "president and pony". Once you are online in the chat, the game plays itself. To reach the next level, you have to wait a certain amount of time (something like 10 minutes for the first level). The higher you are, the longer it takes to reach next level. The only thing you have to care for is to stay online for a long time, every time you disconnect you get punished by added time to your "clock" to reach next level.

At my last level, 49, it took about 10 days to reach the next level. Now I have reached level 50 and maxed out: as I am really online to play, I can't reach 51 realistically, every time I log off I lose about 3.8 hours. Given that I log on/off two times a day, I lose more time than I am online. Thats it! I reached my goal and maxed out. Of course, Gunnar's quest for semi-goddom in nethack was much more noble.

To go on from this point, I would have to set up a IRC command-line client on my linux box to idle for me, which would be cheating. So I rather say: it was an excellent time of idling, I had a lot of fun, BushAndHisPony maxed out, and Barack Obama is now president. The right moment to send Bush and his Pony into retirement. Greetings to all idlers out there, I am gone!

At the end, I own the following items:

  • helm: 72 [Mattt's Omniscience Grand Crown]

  • ring: 69 [Juliet's Glorious Ring of Sparkliness]

  • tunic: 104 [Res0's Protectorate Plate Mail]

And this is what happened in the last days of playing, the full story here:

[01/28/09 04:23:17] bushAndHisPony stopped using dial-up! This wondrous godsend has accelerated them 0 days, 03:37:34 towards level 50.
[01/28/09 07:38:21] nohar [845/1207] has challenged bushAndHisPony [423/488] in combat and won! 8 days, 01:11:32 is removed from nohar's clock.
[01/29/09 08:05:22] infe [226/553] has challenged bushAndHisPony [261/488] in combat and lost! 0 days, 14:29:07 is added to infe's clock.
[01/29/09 21:42:02] simmy [248/660] has challenged bushAndHisPony [434/488] in combat and lost! 0 days, 07:29:34 is added to simmy's clock.
[01/29/09 23:42:14] bushAndHisPony [34/488] has challenged MegaBunny [103/492] in combat and lost! 0 days, 02:28:31 is added to bushAndHisPony's clock.
[02/02/09 03:41:54] bushAndHisPony [326/488] has come upon praetorian [116/819] and taken them in combat! 0 days, 03:47:10 is removed from bushAndHisPony's clock.
[02/02/09 05:46:15] geekboi, FreeBeak, and integral [959/2077] have team battled bushAndHisPony, VxD, and betterworld [1418/2191] and lost! 0 days, 05:39:17 is added to their clocks.
[02/02/09 11:48:39] integral [500/550] has come upon bushAndHisPony [146/488] and taken them in combat! 0 days, 03:20:48 is removed from integral's clock.
[02/04/09 10:56:55] bushAndHisPony [344/488] has challenged pravus [389/657] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:31:29 is added to bushAndHisPony's clock.
[02/09/09 03:10:57] nohar [839/1207] has come upon bushAndHisPony [442/488] and taken them in combat! 1 day, 20:31:33 is removed from nohar's clock.
[02/11/09 00:16:49] bushAndHisPony [446/488] has challenged barbarian [133/485] in combat and won! 0 days, 03:30:18 is removed from bushAndHisPony's clock.
[02/16/09 02:01:41] Verily I say unto thee, the Heavens have burst forth, and the blessed hand of God carried bushAndHisPony 0 days, 22:35:43 toward level 50.
[02/16/09 07:31:15] simmy [43/666] has challenged bushAndHisPony [411/488] in combat and lost! 3 days, 11:34:26 is added to simmy's clock.
[02/19/09 02:24:46] bushAndHisPony is forsaken by his evil god. 0 days, 00:08:32 is added to his clock.
[02/19/09 19:31:44] bushAndHisPony [1/488] has challenged Ol'M00sato [501/728] in combat and lost! 0 days, 22:16:33 is added to bushAndHisPony's clock.
[02/19/09 20:46:31] bushAndHisPony [3/488] has come upon Shuriq [184/306] and been defeated in combat! 0 days, 20:57:49 is added to bushAndHisPony's clock.

(and for the joy of it, I zemantified this post)
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Tuesday, 20. January 2009

Gunnar on information element on friends machine

and there was this event where:

If I knew it was there, I would have hidden it better.

Gunnarism, 20.1.2009
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Friday, 19. December 2008

You know you have been working on your phd for too long

When LaTeX tells you at 05:00 am that
\foonote is an un-defined control sequence
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Sunday, 14. December 2008

Intermediate blog: amazing capoeira/futbol acrobatics

While working on my PhD, I use my breaks wasting time on youtube, this video I found at the end of a longer waste:

They do a mix of capoeira, futbol, parkour and I don't know what. One commenter says its a fake - I don't know, either they invested their training into video-editing or sport training, I hope the latter.
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Monday, 15. September 2008

Wobbling down stairs

one of my nephews wobbling down stairs with a snake-like ability. happened years ago, happily provided by my brother, but not uploaded due to excessive lazyness.
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